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Supporting St Andrew's Church

It costs over £12,000 a month to keep St Andrew's Church ticking over, once the parish share to the diocese, the insurance costs, heating and lighting and staff costs are met. We hope that you value what we do and want to get more involved from volunteering, to fundraising and to giving financially to support our work. Donations to the church can be made via the Donate Here button or QR code below, at the Parish Office by cheque/cash, by contactless at our donation station, or you could drop some money in our collecting box at the entrance to the church. You can give through CAF and Stewardship as well. We get the majority of our income from donations; it's wonderful to see how much people value the ministry of the church.
Without the gifts and hard work of our members, we could not reach out in love and care to the people that need it.  
Thank you for giving to our work.

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I want to know...

Content generously written by the Church of England.

Why is the Church no longer free?

One of the greatest mysteries to long standing churchgoers is why the Church of England once provided ministry for ‘free’ but now, despite having fewer clergy, it needs ever increasing donations.

Why don't the Commissioners pay more?

There are frequent press articles on the wealth and investments of the Church Commissioners, which lead people to believe that the Church is rich and doesn’t need any money.

How much a Vicar costs.

Vicars are paid in an unusual way which leaves some people feeling unsure about how much it costs to fund a full time paid vicar.

Why do we pay Parish Share?

For most parishes, Parish Share, also known as 'Quota' or 'Common Fund', makes up the biggest single cost in their budget. However, many people are unclear about what it pays for with ideas ranging from a Church tax to the Vicar's salary.

Why is inflation important?

Over time the cost of living keeps increasing. This is as true for the Church as it is for other areas of society, paying clergy, salaries and maintaining buildings, all go up over time.

How much should I give?

Giving is essential to secure our Church’s future ability to serve our
communities. In picking up this leaflet we hope you want to give, but you are now thinking “how much?”

A Guide to Giving.

The principle of “tithing” has biblical origins, donating a tenth of your salary to the Church or other good causes. The following table is designed to help you easily see what this means in terms of a regular monthly donation for various levels of income.

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