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Revd Canon Edmund Newey

Rector of Rugby


Telephone 07414 904931



Revd James Sampson-Foster



Children and Families


Helen Bryant

Children and Family Ministry Lead​​

Associate Ministers

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Rev'd Sharon Crofts

Associate Minister

(Compassionate Communities)​​



Rev'd Alison Baxter

Associate Minister

(Mission Hub)​​​


Church Wardens

Parish Staff Team

Kate Foster

Parish Administrator


Tel: 01788 565609


Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm

Tuesday until 1pm  

Gaynor Farthing



Tel: 01788 565609



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Ben Jennings

Community Engagement Lead



Usual days off: Wednesday & Sunday


Ben Foster

Technical Co-ordinator




Music Team

William Uglow


Parish Choir rehearsal Thursday evening    


St Andrew's Community Choir 

Monday evening practice 

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Rachel Cliffe

Young Choristers Trainer



Wednesday evening practices

We are very blessed in that a number of retired clergy help the Rector in the taking of services and we also have Lay Ministers called Readers. 


Rev'd Pam Gould - Chaplain to the Mothers' Union and part of the Children and Family Team.


Rev'd Peter Beresford takes services when required, particularly the Tuesday communion


Rev'd Peter Privett - takes services, writes and works in children's spirituality and is part of the Children and Family Team.

Lay Ministers

We have a team of lay people who exercise various lay ministries. 


Readers - Lay Ministers (licensed to preach and take services):

Sue Goddard, Sue Minton  and Gwyneth Hickman


Teachers and Worship Leader                  

Rosemary Privett             

John Howes

Tom Nettey



Pastoral: Moira Gatward & Joyce Woodings lead our pastoral work and organises home communions for those in care homes​​

A very large team of volunteers work alongside staff to keep St Andrew's Church running. 


Volunteers run our cafe, ring our bells, sing in the choir, work as lay chaplains, steward services, take communion to those in care homes, help to care for our building, arrange flowers and more! There are many ways to participate in the life of our community. For all roles you will need to fill in an application form and provide references. Certain roles will be subject to a DBS check


For events volunteering contact Ben directly, for other roles please contact the parish office 


Rev'd Peter Privett,  


Peter is a textile artist and you will be able to see some of his creative projects at St Andrew's Church. The 'story chair', for instance, which featured in the 2014 Rugby Festival of Culture was created in partnership with Lawrence Sheriff School and was used as a way of exploring stories of reconciliation with children from a number of local primary schools.


The colourful work which came from the Magnificat Project is incorporated into the Lady Chapel space at St Andrew's. You can see some of the detail from that work below (behind the Cross). 


You can view some of his Gethsemane Garments, 'threads of hope and suffering'  here. 


Peter is known for his dramatic displays and creations that help us visually experience and creatively enter the Christian stories. 

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