St Andrew's Church
A sacred place for Rugby
Tuesday Lunchtime Concerts
6th Roman Rudnytsky (piano)
13th Richard Owen (tenor) Antoine Mitchell (piano)
20th Raymond Wui-Man Yiu (piano)
27th Renfei Xin (classical guitar)
3rd John Wilderspin (organ)
10th Neo Hung (piano)
17th Dave Broadfield (folk songster)
24th Tom Jennings (folk songwriter)
1st Tim Campain (organ)
8th No concert
15th Rugby School Students
22nd Faye Hollingworth (classical guitar)
29th Julian Hellaby (piano)
5th Jo Foote & Rosemary Robinson (piano duet)
12th Fleur Mauxion (piano & singing)
19th Rugby School Students
26th Ian Birkin (piano) & Jayne Dalkey-Hewer (soprano)
3rd Fumi Otsuki & Alvaro Siculiana (violin & piano)
10th The Friday Singers
17th Margaret Fingerhut (piano)
Join our Tuesday Lunchtime Concert facebook group through
St Andrew's Church facebook page.
Organ recitals recorded
during the Covid lockdown by
Dr Richard Dunster-Sigtermans
The Tuesday Lunchtime Recitals date from around 1975, when the late Neil Aspinall, Director of The Apollo Society, and St Andrew’s Organist and Director of Music Arnold Pugh, agreed to organise a weekly event.
Churchwarden, the late Alan Hipkin continued the organising until his final illness in 2008, when Bill Griffiths took over the role until 2021. Churchwarden, the late Alan Hipkin continued the organising until his final illness in 2008, when Bill Griffiths took over the role. Following his retirement in 2021, the concert organisation was taken on by Tony Millinger and Bill Nealon, both members of the church choir, who have now handed the baton over to Ben Jennings our Community Engagement Lead.
Recitals begin at 1.00pm and last 30-40 minutes. Admission is free, audience members are however invited to leave a donation in the collection plate for the work of St Andrew’s Church. Yellow gift aid envelopes are available in the pews and at the back of church.